Month: November 2023

Who is responsible for maintaining family lore? In Company, Shannon Sanders introduces—and repeatedly reintroduces—readers to the Collinses, a Black family with roots in D.C. and Atlantic City. Sanders, a master of character, makes every individual distinctive and recognizable even as they clearly belong to a whole, bound by shared history, values, and challenges.  In “The
“Night of the Caregiver” starring Natalie Denise Sperl and The Exorcist’s Eileen Dietz is now streaming on Tubi, Amazon Prime and Vudu, and definitely provides chills and thrills for all horror movie enthusiasts. Synopsis: Hospice nurse Julia Rowe is hired to be caregiver for Lillian Gresham, who lives in an isolated house in a remote
Follow the flow: Graphs showing the smooth flow of photocurrent streamlines around a microscopic structure shaped like an aeroplane wing. This electrofoil (top left) makes it possible to contort, compress and expand photocurrent streamlines in the same way that aeroplane wings (shown in silhouettes at right) contort, compress and expand the flow of air. (Courtesy:
The source of the sound Researchers find that the Kortokoff sounds heard through a stethoscope may not be sound waves at all. (Courtesy: Shutterstock/Elle Aon) Tap, tap, tap… Swish, swish… Tap, tap… Whoooo… Silence. The Korotkoff sounds heard through a stethoscope are routine in non-invasive clinical blood pressure measurement. For over a century since the
Cataclysmic collision: It is thought that ‘rapid neutron-capture processes’ that occur during a neutron star merger could be responsible for producing heavy elements (courtesy: NSF/LIGO/Sonoma State University/A. Simonnet) Physicists in Japan and Lithuania have found evidence that tellurium is produced in neutron star mergers. Their findings bolster the idea that neutron star mergers are responsible
Venezuela, my home country, was once one of the richest countries in Latin America due to the discovery of oil at the start of the last century. Today, Venezuela is in political and economic turmoil with a mass exodus of more than 7 million.   As I wrote my new memoir, Motherland about the fragile concept
The Mug Shot: Look straight ahead and contemplate the lousy Kirkus review you’re sure to get. The Talk Show Host: Place one hand under your chin and imagine listening to someone else, something you rarely do as a writer. The Orgasm: Throw your head back and grin ecstatically after ordering a box of your favorite
  THE GLOBAL FILM ALLIANCE The G.F.A. in Hollywood with a Powerful Collaboration of International Film Production Companies. Eleven independent film companies- JJ Filmworks and A Plus Films from Bulgaria,Talkinglens Productions from the UK, Montalvo Digital Studios, UK, Hollywood Entertainment News, USA, Night Owl Studio, California USA, Wartime Films, USA, 360 Studios LTD, USA, 360TVN,