NOS4A2 Season 2 Episode 8 Review: Chris McQueen


Once again, this show proves that it is in a different league when it comes to fleshing out characters. 

NOS4A2 Season 2 Episode 8 put the spotlight on Chris McQueen, and it resulted in another terrific installment of this AMC drama.

If you watch NOS4A2 online, you know Chris has not been the best father, but learning about his past helped me understand some of his decisions. 

From moving to the cabin in the woods to attempting to be a better person, it was an arc I did not expect or know that I wanted. 

Deep down, Chris understood the profound effect his drinking and abusive past had on not only Vic but Linda. 

Linda always said that despite his flaws, he was a good person, and I’m inclined to agree with that after witnessing the events of “Chris McQueen.”

He was consumed with rage when he attacked Bing and derailed the entire rescue mission considerably. 

He understandably felt bad for his actions, and I’m surprised Vic even allowed him to go on his fateful final journey. 

Scenes between Vic and Chris are up there as the best part of the show for me, and despite them being at odds when Chris was murdered, there was still a whole lot of love between them. 

I figured Vic would be hardened somewhat after Wayne was kidnapped, but I’m not sure what the death of her father will do to her. 

Will it give her the drive she needs to enact the final part of her plan, or will she break down, and struggle to save her son? 

Linda is not going to take the death of Chris well and there’s a good chance she’ll blame herself for forcing Vic to allow him to accompany her. 

Linda was so consumed with wanting to save Vic that she never thought of what could happen to Chris. The former lovers shared an embrace that was very telling. 

Before Chris died, I started to wonder whether there could be a future for him and Linda. I was starting to get the feeling they could move on from everything that happened. 

This heartbreak is going to shape the rest of NOS4A2 Season 2

Can the show please get rid of Bing? He should not have survived the attack from Charlie, never mind the attack from Chris. He keeps popping up and there’s no redeeming him. 

As for Wayne, he appears to be lost to Christmasland. His teeth are showing and he took a bite out of Lou without so much as a second thought. 

I’m not sure how one can escape Christmasland and return to a normal life, but I bet Millie Manx will figure it out. 

I predicted several times throughout the season that she would start to wisen up to her father and carve a life out for herself. 

Mattea Conforti is riveting as the young girl who has changed her perspective on life. I dare say, however, that Mille’s days are numbered. 

Charlie left her to hold the fort and instead she’s been thinking about turning her back on him. That’s not something he will take lightly, and he will take action. 

Just look at what he did to his wife. 

The demise of Tabitha and Maggie’s relationship was sad but expected. Tabitha had just got a rare win with her bosses after weeks of struggling to explain what’s happened. 

Tabitha understood that she would spend her life looking over her shoulder if she stayed with Maggie, and that’s OK. They are two very different women. 

One wants a stress-free life that doesn’t include the occult, while the other can’t help but reach into her past to save her friends. It’s a tragic tale, and I like this end much better for them than one of them being killed off. 

The emotional impact during their breakup scene was heavy, and I dare say that they could reunite if Charlie Manx is taken out of the equation. 

Then again, we know Maggie is a risk-taker. It all comes back to what they want in life, and they want different things. 

Lou being bitten threw me for a loop. He has to be protected at all costs. Lou allowed Vic and Wayne into his life despite knowing the danger it could bring. 

He went to extreme measures to keep them safe, putting himself in danger, and I would hope he is rewarded with escaping this battle with Manx. 

Vic has lost enough and losing Lou, as well as her father, would be too much. TV shows like to put a character through the wringer, but I hope there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for Vic. 

When all is said and done, she does deserve a happy ending. 

Two episodes of NOS4A2 Season 2 remain, and there’s no telling what’s coming next.

The series is continuing to do a great job of fleshing out the characters, but I suspect the mythology will be widened somewhat in these final episodes to set up a potential third season. 

Now it’s time to talk about it!

What did you think of Chris McQueen’s death?

Are you upset about Tabitha and Maggie? 

Hit the comments. 

NOS4A2 continues Sundays on AMC. 

Paul Dailly is the Associate Editor for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.

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