Days of Our Lives Round Table: Those Dangerous Salem Stairs!


Yet another Salemite took a tumble down the stairs, Ciara left the country, Kristen got herself a Kate mask, and Belle accused Sami of murder on Days of Our Lives.

Our TV Fanatics, Jack and Christine, are joined by Kathy and Monica from MyHourglass, a Days of Our Lives fan forum to debate Ciara’s story arc, Abigail vs. Gwen, who has the best father/daughter vibe, and how many more Salem residents will be shipped off to that Dimera island before Kristen is caught!

Days Of Our Lives Round Table 1-27-15

Abigail told Gwen she would be a “lying, heartless, slut” just like her mother, then tried to stop Gwen from leaving, which caused her to fall down the stairs. Will Gwen let Abigail take the blame for her miscarriage? Do you blame her if she does?

Jack: I’m absolutely certain this is where we’re going. It’s disappointing because it’s a rerun of Nicole/Jennifer, except Jennifer was WAY more sympathetic than Abby.

I would like for Abby to be arrested and face some consequences for her behavior. Then develop empathy for Gwen being accused of murdering Laura, and finally realize she needs help before her tantrums result in her killing someone (and not be able to blame it on DID this time).

But that’ll never happen. Abigail is Salem’s golden girl who can do no wrong no matter what, and if Gwen lies about Abby causing her miscarriage, she will be persona non grata when it comes out.

And no, I wouldn’t blame Gwen for this lie if it happens, since she tried to tell Abby at least five times that she had miscarried, and Abby was too busy being hateful to listen.

Kathy: I think Gwen was ready to tell Chad about the miscarriage and move on. Abigail chose that moment to rip into Gwen with her nasty tirade.

Gwen will turn all her hurt on Abby and blame her for the miscarriage. If this happens, I blame both Gwen and Abby for turning a sad situation into a horrible one.

Monica: Surprisingly, Gwen has been growing on me in the last couple of weeks. She seemed to honestly be coming around and genuinely wanting to change her ways and be part of the Devereaux family.

Abigail has been acting like a temperamental child. I do think that Gwen will blame Abigail, and I won’t blame her one bit.

Christine: Abby is an entitled brat. Yes, when Gwen targeted Abby, it was incredibly wrong, but it’s not like Abigail is some saint.

Abby tried to seduce Austin, seduced EJ, and then cheated on Ben. She killed Andre, let Gabi go to prison for it, and Gabi was beaten so severely she can no longer have children.

But because Abigail is a Horton and suffers from mental illness, she is the perpetual victim who always gets a free pass.

Gwen tried to tell Abigail and Chad about the miscarriage, but Abby wouldn’t stop spewing a tantrum of hate, and when Gwen tried to leave, she got physical.

Yeah, Gwen will probably pin the miscarriage on Abby, and I wish she wouldn’t. We’ve seen this story too many times. It’s boring, and we know how it ends, with Saint Abby and Evil Gwen. I wish Gwen would tell the truth just so Abby could realize how vile she’s been.

Since Ciara returned from the dead, she was locked in a glass cage for months, then rescued only to end up with amnesia and despise Ben. Now she’s left for South Africa with Theo. Rate her storyline from 1 (Awful!) to 10 (Loved it!).

Jack: How about -100? Ciara has been so obnoxious throughout this story that I won’t miss her one bit, and Ben needs to learn how to make a girlfriend/wife PART of his life and not the only reason to live.

I’d prefer Ben be with Claire, but I’m sure if that happens, it’s only an obstacle to a Ben/Ciara reunion.

Kathy: I’ll give the Ciara/Ben story a 2. I really have no interest in these characters.

Monica: -5! Salem soulmates never seem to catch a break. (Well, I suppose Kayla and Steve have finally been enjoying some drama-free time lately.)

I thought that when Ben gave her the motorcycle washer engagement ring that she’d have a flash of memory, but no such luck.

Some small props to the writers for explaining Hope’s absence and why she was incommunicado, though I briefly thought she might make a cameo appearance.

Christine: Yeah, this story arc goes into negative numbers. I’m not a Ben/Ciara fan, but I feel horrible for those who are because they got cheated.

Why bother bringing Ciara back just to put those fans through this without any sort of payoff?

What bugs me is that I want to like Ciara. She’s Bo and Hope’s daughter, but she comes across as self-absorbed, bordering on obnoxious. I’m kind of hoping they’ll recast the character so that we’ll get other, more likable sides to Ciara.

Belle realized that someone set her up for Charlie’s murder and accused Sami of doing so. React!

Jack: Okay. First of all, is this a magical coat that changes size to fit the wearer? Because there’s no way in hell Sami would fit into Belle’s coat when she’s taller and more broad-shouldered! And she has an alibi that can be proven extremely easily.

Plus, why would Sami hire Belle as a lawyer if she had framed her? Belle was sounding about as unhinged as Abigail with those baseless accusations.

Also, why did John and Marlena ever think it was a good idea to tell Belle that Sami had kidnapped her when she was a baby? Belle throws that in Sami’s face every chance she gets, and it’s beyond irritating, and she obviously doesn’t remember what happened when she was an infant, so someone must have told her.

Kathy: Belle blaming Sami is an old, tired trope. It’s time for Belle to think outside the box and look at other possibilities. She really doesn’t have to look too far for a suspect.

Monica: Why does no one instantly think of Jan? Belle’s accusation was completely illogical.

Christine: This made no sense. Belle knows that Sami was on a plane from Italy when Charlie was killed. That’s what got her off the hook for the murder in the first place.

This makes Belle sound like a whiny brat who can’t wait to dig up old sins to throw in Sami’s face (and I know there are plenty of them, but that’s not the point.) I expect better from Belle, and I hope she comes to her senses soon.

Who has the best Father/Daughter relationship in Salem? (Jack and Abigail or Gwen, Roman and Sami, John and Belle, Shawn and Claire, Lucas and Allie, anyone I’m forgetting?)

Jack: I always enjoy Roman/Sami time. Roman “gets” Sami to the degree that no one else really seems to and is able to use humor to get her to back off when she is in crazy mode.

Lucas and Allie are a close second, though Allie successfully hiding bad behavior from Lucas for months does not bode well for them.

Kathy: Tough choices. None are really great, but I will go with Jack and Abigail. They have always been close, even though Jack leaves for extended periods. I hope their relationship will survive the Gwen storm to be even stronger.

Monica: Well, certainly not Brady and Rachel! Does he ever spend time with that kid?

I am really enjoying Lucas and Allie’s relationship. Except when she first came back to Salem, he’s been nothing but supportive and understanding with her. Good dad.

Christine: Roman and Sami have a special bond. He understands and accepts Sami, even when she’s in full-blown Sami-mode!

Lucas and Allie have turned a corner since she came forward about the sexual assault, and I think it’s taken their relationship to a new level.

And, oddly enough, I like Jack and Gwen. Jack has always been a black sheep and has done horrible things in his past, so I think he can understand Gwen in a way no one else can. I find that interesting to watch.

Kristen shipped Kate off to the Dimera island with Sarah. How many Salemites will end up on that island before what Kristen has done is revealed?

Jack: That’s what I want to know! I wonder if we’re in for a Melaswen redux with half of Salem on an island before this is over. About the only thing I’m sure of is Kristen won’t ship Brady off there if he finds out her secret.

Kathy: I hope Sami and Lucas expose Kristen soon, or she trips herself up so that Kate is her last victim.

Monica: If we look at the people Kristen has a beef with, that island will get pretty crowded! I wonder if Rolf’s magic masks can allow Kristen to impersonate men, too, since it can already give her a completely different woman’s body type.

Christine: This storyline is so dumb! Can we get rid of Dr. Rolf’s magic mask technology once and for all? And can we get Sarah and Kate back to Salem asap?

Which was the most boring storyline on this week’s Days of Our Lives?

Jack: I don’t know if I’d call it boring, per se, but I can’t stand this Kristen masquerading as Kate story. It was so ridiculous and stupid that I was tempted to fast forward the scenes, and I kept checking the clock to see how much time was left in the hour while those scenes were on.

Also, does the recurring problem of long flashbacks of things we’ve just seen count as a story? During the first part of Friday’s show, my mind wandered between all the replays from the day before and unnecessary long flashbacks.

Kathy: The most boring storyline was Ben and Ciara. I was happy to see her leave.

Monica: Ben’s plan to kidnap Ciara and making up with Clare after she refused to help him.

Also, Tripp getting in trouble with his boss (Is Days running an anti-ageist storyline here? Middle-aged head residents are very rare).

Christine: That’s a tie between Kristen and her ridiculous Kate mask, made all the worse because we knew she was going to use it to break up with Jake.

And Ciara and Theo feel more like brother and sister to me, and I’m tired of Ciara’s vitriol towards Ben. This storyline has bored me for weeks, so I’m happy Ciara left the country if that’s the only way for it to end.

What was your favorite quote, scene, or storyline from this week’s Days of Our Lives?

Jack: I enjoyed Claire and Allie’s conversation about Tripp and was pleasantly surprised by Tripp and Ben’s scenes. It was weird that they are suddenly friends, but we need more friendships on this show!

I also liked Ava and Nicole talking and especially liked Ava saying that she thought Eric had forgotten he is married.

Kathy: My favorite scenes were Paulina discovering that Xander and Chanel were trying to scam her into giving them money. Cutting Chanel off to solve her own problems was perfect.

Monica: Sami looked great in the sailor suit-inspired dress on Wednesday. That is all. Honestly, the plotlines have become so outlandish it is hard to stay interested lately.

I get that soaps need drama, miscommunications, secrets, revenge plots, etc., and I’m on board with all that. I would just really like fewer rubber masks, back-from-the-dead, psychic communication, and identical twin plots!

Christine: I enjoyed Gabi’s conversation with Abigail. It’s nice to see them not sniping or plotting against one another and having an honest discussion.

I also had to laugh when Chad told Jake that Gwen was pregnant with Chad’s child, and Jake’s reaction was, “Oh, crap.” It was probably one of the most realistic reactions I’ve heard in Salem in a long time.

Okay, TV Fanatics, now it’s your turn…

Hit that big, blue, SHOW COMMENTS button down below to answer our Days of Our Lives round table questions, and then head over and check out Jack Ori’s Days of Our Lives review!

  • Abigail told Gwen she would be a “lying, heartless, slut” just like her mother, then tried to stop Gwen from leaving, which caused her to fall down the stairs. Will Gwen let Abigail take the blame for her miscarriage? Do you blame her if she does?
  • Since Ciara returned from the dead, she was locked in a glass cage for months, then rescued only to end up with amnesia and despise Ben. Now she’s left for South Africa with Theo. Rate her storyline from 1 (Awful!) to 10 (Loved it!).
  • Belle realized that someone set her up for Charlie’s murder and accused Sami. React!
  • Who has the best Father/Daughter relationship in Salem? (Jack and Abigail or Gwen, Roman and Sami, John and Belle, Shawn and Claire, Lucas and Allie, anyone I’m forgetting?)
  • Kristen shipped Kate off to the Dimera island with Sarah. How many Salemites will end up on that island before what Kristen has done is revealed?
  • Which was the most boring storyline on this week’s Days of Our Lives?
  • What was your favorite quote, scene, or storyline from this week’s Days of Our Lives?

C. Orlando is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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