“Duty Accomplished,” the compelling third installment in Michael Deeb’s Drieborg Chronicles series, delves into the tumultuous years of the American Civil War. Union Major Michael Drieborg, having escaped the horrors of Confederate prison Andersonville, returns to duty in December 1864. Recuperating in Michigan, he’s called back to Washington for reassignment, eager to contribute to Congressman
What happened to Franny Blackman? Franny is now Liza Kasner, and is hiding in Chatham on Cape Cod. This newly minted blonde escaped from suburban New Jersey with her cat in the middle of the night. As she settles into the off-season beach resort, people from her hometown keep appearing. Can she lie well enough
Minutes before twelve on a night in 1943, Detective Dan Brady is summoned to a churchyard where a woman has been found strangled. He soon discounts the theory that the woman was killed during a mugging, and an interview with her widowed husband yields more questions than answers. When a man’s body is found on
1681: Isabelle lives safely in Geneva, but travels to the French countryside along secret Huguenot trails to rescue Protestants from the king’s vicious dragonnade program. She protects her family from the dangers of battling the Royal Army, but her wild daughter Elizabeth has other ideas. Eager to prove herself, Elizabeth attempts a solo rescue that
Young Revolutionary War veteran Barnabas Locke makes winter camp in an isolated canyon in the Colorado wilderness, finding pictographs and petroglyphs made by the Ancient Ones. His elderly Arapaho mentor appears like a dream at his fire, issuing a warning but leaving behind a very real huge black dog. Barnabas uses all his frontier skills
In spring 1782, young Revolutionary War veteran Barnabas Locke and his Abenaki friend, the visionary Squando, reunite to cross the Mississippi and travel deep into the Great Plains. At the riverbank, they find their hired keelboat commandeered by the imperious young Spanish Isabella and her brother Ramon, who are fleeing the river pirate Joe Fontaine
College junior Ethan Trousock has his own problems: professor Bourman’s history exam, parental aging, dating dry spells. The devastating oil spill that blanketed his university’s coastline half a century before and led to the birth of the modern environmental movement is ancient history. Until one night when an ocean portal transports him back to 1969.
In an era of accelerating change and deepening spiritual inquiries, Dr. Roy HEāRT Recnati, known as “The Heārtist,” shines as a rare visionary dedicated to blending art, philosophy, and spirituality. With a life profoundly shaped by near-death experiences and a calling to serve humanity, Dr. HEāRT’s creative journey is not only about art—it’s about awakening,
*Recommended in The New York Times* A Punishing Breed, the first in a series of novels featuring Detective DJ Arias, is a murder mystery that takes place in Los Angeles, the city of angels, freeways, Santa Ana winds, and honeysuckle slithering through chain-link fences and perfuming LA’s dark streets and neighborhoods. Detective Arias hunts for
The pieces in this collection capture the feeling of being buffeted by great gusts of middle-aged longing. What began as one woman’s quarrel with Buddhism, especially its doctrine of non-attachment, morphs into a larger question: What’s the right way to love a person or a thing? With voluptuous detail and rigorous self-interrogation, Jennifer Brice looks
For generations, the Tricksters have inhabited the mountains of west Texas. Preying off unwitting travelers, the pack’s existence remains a well-kept secret. On a road trip, Ash and her friends make the fateful decision to stop in the dusty little town of Sierra Diablo where they meet a handsome and charismatic local named Caleb and
Small-time criminal, Taylor Callahan, dreams of starting her life over. When she inadvertently causes the death of a teenage girl who looks just like her, she does the only thing she can do: she takes over the dead girl’s life. Now, twenty-one-year-old Taylor must navigate the ins and outs of living with the MacKenzies, the
Jayla can’t catch her breath. The unexpected news of an unwanted pregnancy has come at the worst possible time, especially as rumors swirl of her reproductive rights soon being taken away. Straddling employment at both pro-life and pro-choice centers, Jayla is forced to conceal her pregnancy, slowly drowning in rising deceptions and life-or-death decisions as
Chloe stepped from the school bus into the snowy slush of the sidewalk, flipped her backpack around her shoulders and let loose a string of curse words as her strap broke and books and papers spilled onto the wet ground. “Well now, little child, that’s some vocabulary you’ve got there. But tell me, do you
In 1982 Soviet-controlled Poland—a time and place of suspicion and mistrust—when geopolitical forces and violent men descend upon her little town of Zygmuntowo, Emilia must decide if she is willing to risk prison or worse for self-respect and for her unexpected love. A telephone station switchboard operator is ordered to monitor the calls she connects
What if you came home one day and found your husband dead in his favorite chair? This grief memoir explores the author’s experience of the unexpected death of her husband from sudden cardiac arrest a mere three months after his doctors had pronounced him hale and healthy. The author shares her experiences in the immediate
War-seasoned young Barnabas Locke arrives at Harris’s Ferry, where he does business with John Harris II, as a trader of goods going into the contested Ohio Country. Powerful interests want information about Indian alliances with the British, even as the Revolutionary War continues in the East and as white settlers illegally swarm across the boundary
Conflicted hearts search for human connection upon waters and vivid landscapes. Randolf, a Susquehanna ferryman, is piloting an Amish wedding party in the title story of this collection, “Nunc Stans—A Ferry Tale.” But mid-river, the ferry snags on a low dam, and a frightened mare bolts from the deck. As Randolf tries to save the
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