
Originally developed as an inexpensive replacement for silk during World War II, ripstop nylon was created (and is still used) for the production of military parachutes. It’s since been used in sails for yachts, hot air balloons and camping equipment like tents and sleeping bags. You’ve no doubt seen it on bags and other hardwearing
“I used to train so much and never stretched besides quickly before I got started,” says jet-setting DJ and influencer Brendan Fallis. “I’m now dedicating at least an hour a week for an intense stretch session and focusing daily on my own time.” These days, he says, he sits straighter, walks a little taller and
Why do we always want what we don’t have? Those with limp, straight hair would often kill for a bit of volume that doesn’t require styling tools or bucket-loads of product. And those with tight spiral curls eye the straight-haired with envy. But between the two, there’s natural waves. And while those with wavy hair
Just so we’re clear, this isn’t about clandestine drinking. This is not about that bottle you keep hidden in your drawer for when you have to stay late. What we’re talking about here is official, organized drinking. Not necessarily on the clock, but in regards to your career. Here at Valet., we partake in occupational
What on earth is that man doing with his tie? Has he dressed in a huge hurry? What’s with the collar sticking out? Hold fire with your assumption that the subject of your disdain just doesn’t know how to dress well. Those points you critique may, in fact, be expressions of ‘sprezzatura’, the art of dressing
  Stress is a fact of modern life, that’s pretty much a given. But too much stress can do a number on a man’s body and mind, resulting in everything from headaches and weight gain to hair loss and erectile dysfunction. So the better you can deal with it, the better your health, hair and