
An Epic Mother-Son Reunion in Italy If you enjoy reading Electric Literature, join our mailing list! We’ll send you the best of EL each week, and you’ll be the first to know about upcoming submissions periods and virtual events. You Over There, You There you were on my ancient doorstep, late, or early, unannounced, in
Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream was shown as the premiere when the Forest Theatre in Gdańsk opened in 1911 / Photo by magro_kr / Flickr Anna Frajlich, who recently added to her long list of distinctions the Susanne Lotarski Distinguished Achievement Award, given by the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences “for her many contributions
If you enjoy reading Electric Literature, join our mailing list! We’ll send you the best of EL each week, and you’ll be the first to know about upcoming submissions periods and virtual events. In Christine Smallwood’s debut novel The Life of the Mind, protagonist Dorothy escapes the stifled environment of an academic conference for one
If you enjoy reading Electric Literature, join our mailing list! We’ll send you the best of EL each week, and you’ll be the first to know about upcoming submissions periods and virtual events. In the introductory essay of White Magic, Elissa Washuta—a Native American author and member of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe—examines the colonization of
If you enjoy reading Electric Literature, join our mailing list! We’ll send you the best of EL each week, and you’ll be the first to know about upcoming submissions periods and virtual events. The editor-in-chief of drives the editorial vision of the website and is responsible for all content on, excluding our weekly
If you enjoy reading Electric Literature, join our mailing list! We’ll send you the best of EL each week, and you’ll be the first to know about upcoming submissions periods and virtual events. The mother and son relationship is complex—fraught with pain, hurt, love and triumph. In my debut novel, No Heaven For Good Boys,
A Fairytale Reading to Blow Up the Dinner Party Ethan Rutherford Share article If you enjoy reading Electric Literature, join our mailing list! We’ll send you the best of EL each week, and you’ll be the first to know about upcoming submissions periods and virtual events. “Fable” by Ethan Rutherford It was Saturday night and
Left column (top to bottom): R. O. Kwon, Matthew Shenoda. Center left: Carlos Labbé, Fowzia Karimi, Jennifer Croft. Center right: Carlos Pintado, Hamid Ismailov, Eleni Kefala. Right: Olga Zilberbourg, Tarfia Faizullah World Literature Today, the University of Oklahoma’s award-winning magazine of international literature and culture, has announced the names of the jury members who will
As spring emerges and lockdown restrictions continue, here is a list of new and upcoming translated works from around the world to fill your sunny days at home. Isabel Allende The Soul of a Woman Trans. Isabel Allende Ballantine Books, March 2021 Chilean author Isabel Allende speaks of her experience of love, life, loss, and
Death Is Her Next Big Commission If you enjoy reading Electric Literature, join our mailing list! We’ll send you the best of EL each week, and you’ll be the first to know about upcoming submissions periods and virtual events. The Costume Maker The costume maker could turn you into anything—a bird cage, a piano, a
If you enjoy reading Electric Literature, join our mailing list! We’ll send you the best of EL each week, and you’ll be the first to know about upcoming submissions periods and virtual events. When I was a little girl, I spent hours upon hours reading fairy-tales and folktales, and as I grew older, I turned
If you enjoy reading Electric Literature, join our mailing list! We’ll send you the best of EL each week, and you’ll be the first to know about upcoming submissions periods and virtual events. April 30, 1975—the day Americans helicoptered out of Saigon and Communist forces rolled in their tanks—goes by many names: the Liberation, the