
Emma Copley Eisenberg’s novel Housemates begins with a heartbreaking address from The Housemate, a 70-year-old lesbian who grieves her beloved and who, like so many queers throughout history, has been erased from the public record of the person she built her life with. Through imaginative leaps, The Housemate follows Leah and Bernie, two twenty-something queers
When I first started what became my novel The Witches of Bellinas, there were no witches, no witchcraft at all. I had wanted to write about a beautiful village that seemed perfect but had  hidden secrets after spending a summer in a beautiful, remote area near San Francisco that I later learned had a reputation
If the sea is the master metaphor for the depths of the individual and collective subconscious, the creatures within implicitly represent so much about our desires, fears, instincts, memory, and perceived connections to both the womb and the afterlife. What’s down there? seems to be a question we’ve always been asking. Look back to The
When Sign Language United the Hearing and the Deaf M.V.S.L. (Martha’s Vineyard Sign Language) Click to enlarge and scroll. Take a break from the news We publish your favorite authors—even the ones you haven’t read yet. Get new fiction, essays, and poetry delivered to your inbox. YOUR INBOX IS LIT Enjoy strange, diverting work from
In my twenties, I was convinced I had a dream job. For five years I worked as a social media manager for a media non-profit that sent me around the world to cover its conferences online. The keg in the office kitchen became the center of my social life, and I regularly worked late as
Serkan Görkemli’s Sweet Tooth, a sweeping collection of connected stories about queer characters in Turkey, is his debut work of fiction—but he’s no newcomer to the subject matter. Aside from his own background growing up in a small, industrial town in northwestern Turkey, he’s been a scholar of queer life in Turkey for years. An
Being a mother, for me, has had the effect of raising the ceiling on most feelings. My children (now eleven and seven years old) have carried me to new heights of hilarity and joy, but in the midst of these feelings I’m aware too of their corollary: the understanding, which arrived suddenly right after each