
The Wonder State, Sara Flannery Murphy’s genre-bending novel, follows five friends as they reckon with a past betrayal. Brandi, now missing, has invoked (with a touch of magic) the oath they all made as teenagers. With her words ringing in their minds—”You promised”—the friends return to their small hometown in Arkansas.  While Flannery Murphy was
It’s a Good Life If You Don’t Look Down Ann Beattie Share article Nearby by Ann Beattie Midway through the semester, Rochelle stepped in to pinch-hit at the university for a teacher she’d never met, though she hadn’t taught before. CFS, the famous visiting writer claimed: chronic fatigue syndrome. How excruciating it had been, he’d
Open Throat wields its language both as a salve and scalpel. The novel follows its unforgettable narrator—a queer, lonely mountain lion living under the Hollywood sign—as they struggle to survive and discover their own identity by watching the humans around them. Observing passing hikers, young lovers, and residents of the nearby encampment from the shadows,
In a work of fiction, place is a character, but unlike mortal characters and their short lives, places are seemingly infinite. Their beginnings are recorded in history books but are distant dawns to its dwellers. We are shaped by place. We fall in love in alleyways and conspire in cafés. We plant our fruits in
The age of the boyfriend has ended. Give yours away. Donate him to charity or, if he doesn’t have too much wear and tear, maybe you can sell him on The RealReal. Your girlfriend can be a boyfriend, too. If I’m making proclamations about tired conventions then I’m definitely getting rid of gender. Whoever your
Hey Siri, Cure My Postpartum Depression Dear Siri My son says you’re listening so you might tell us what we want. If so, I want to know what is lost under my fingertips besides home? And whether you understand that I googled postpartum depression after the first year, & I’ve since been bombarded by ads
I was a single parent when I got married on my lunch break. Taking a day off from my unruly job in foster care wasn’t feasible, plus I was pregnant and my health insurance was crap—it didn’t cover office visits or emergencies (or, ahem, birth control). So, after a quick exchange of vows at the
Photo by said alamri / Unsplash Immigration, detention, unequal payare modern words for slavery again. Dictatorship, borders. Any impositionof one’s will over another is a form of slavery.Even the legal rules that enslave: debt, foreclosure,poverty above all. Any compromise of humanityis a form of bondage. Then, what can the Artsdo to liberate anybody? Only this