P-Valley Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Higher Ground


The Promised Land Casino and Resort is coming more into focus now.

But not so much Autumn after P-Valley Season 1 Episode 3.

The only thing that can be said for sure is that Autumn and Andre are done.

After all, she betrayed him big time.

But he was doing the same to his wife Brittany (that’s a great suburban name) by stalking Autumn, so he can’t complain too much.

I can’t blame Uncle Clifford. He’s in a deep, deep hole and he’s trying to find a way to protect himself and his own.

It was also clear that Autumn is up to something shady using that fake ID.

So who’s to blame Clifford for a little blackmail? If there’s a gravy train coming, he wants to jump on it.

Was there a funnier sight than Clifford in full dress staring down a cotton harvester?

And because Corbin owed Clifford for keeping his secret, he spilled everything he knew, which wasn’t all that much, unfortunately.

Clifford seemed to have a sense of pride at what Corbin has become.

It’s also clear that Clifford has been keeping Chucalissa’s secrets for years and townfolk pay him back with stacks and stacks of bills.

Now that Clifford has all that documentation that Autumn stole, how can he leverage that into something that benefits him and The Pynk? Or did he just paint a target on his back, since the mayor is involved in the push to bring in the casino?

So what did we learn about the casino?

It’s being developed very quietly, with Andre buying up the necessary properties and the town being bought off with a new park, with the sleazy mayor in it up to his neck.

That way, the casino doesn’t come up for a vote and, as Mayor Ruffin put it, the Bible-thumpers can’t send it straight to Hell.

Andre seemed very sincere about trying to bring an economic boon to his former hometown.

And, let’s face it, Chucalissa is the picture of urban blight. A blighted town in the “Dirty Delta” could use the jobs as much as any rundown Indian reservation.

So what’s the downside, other than for the righteous few who look down their noses at gambling?

However, why all the secrecy? Whose money is behind the casino? Why can’t it stand up to public scrutiny?

It almost smells like some organization is looking to launder money, doesn’t it?

There’s definitely something shady going on there, despite Andre’s good intentions.

It’s hard to tell what to feel about Autumn.

She had no compunction about seducing Andre in order to steal intel for Clifford so that she could get her fake ID back in order to collect her illegal transfer.

Now Autumn has that cash, the smart thing to do would be to leave town, since she’s obviously running from somebody.

It’s not like she’s made any friends, despite the other dancers attempting to be friendly toward her.

But something scarring evidently happened to her, which is why she drinks so much.

Her phone had a picture of a young girl on it. When she held Keyshawn’s child, she flashed back to placing a younger child into a car during a storm. Was that the same girl?

That led to her stumbling into the middle of the “Trinity” performance, earning her a tongue-lashing from Mercedes.

Mercedes’s transition to a new life hit some roadblocks.

First, is Patrice holding the purse strings to Mercedes’s money. Even though they got the construction loan they were seeking, Mercedes had to know that any church wouldn’t happily refund $20,000.

Patrice was just blowing her off by promising to cut a check the next day. But now that the pastor disrespected her by not letting her substitute for him, who knows what’s going to happen?

Then there were her young dancers posting sexy videos on social media. Mercedes really couldn’t come down prudishly on them without seeming hypocritical, could she?

It was heartbreaking to learn that the dancer giving her the most grief was Terika, her biological daughter. Then, to top that off, Terika’s adoptive mother decided to pull her off the team, so that Terika might stop focusing on body image.

Mercedes can’t catch a break other than at The Pynk, can she?

It was great that the white girl, Gidget, finally got some time in the spotlight.

Her boyfriend, Duffy, used to be her regular. It’s for him that Clifford has been storing the oxycontin.

And her mother, the former stripper, apparently has a drug problem. That can’t be a good dynamic.

Things aren’t looking up for Keyshawn either.

While in the middle of “The Trinity” routine, which requires a lot of strength, she almost dropped Mercedes because of a sprained wrist thanks to her abusive boyfriend.

Good thing she had a medic in the house in the form of Diamond the bouncer, who was able to whip up a poultice with a home remedy inside.

How long before Keyshawn gives in to her feelings for Diamond or Diamond goes after the boyfriend? That triangle doesn’t end well.

To follow the casino’s development, watch P-Valley online.

From what is Autumn escaping?

To whom does Andre report?

Can Uncle Clifford save The Pynk once again?

Comment below.

Dale McGarrigle is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.

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