Tesla Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said on Sunday the US electric carmaker and his rocket company SpaceX are facing significant inflationary pressure in raw materials and logistics. Musk in a tweet also asked about inflation rate outlook and said his companies “are not alone”, retweeting an article saying the Ukraine–Russia conflict sent commodity prices
Telegram is getting an update that includes multiple new features. These include a download manager to control downloads, a new attachment menu to share documents and re-arrange media albums before sending, and new streaming tools to turn a Telegram channel into a TV station. In addition, the Android app is getting semi-transparent headers. Further, there
Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel waves goodbye as she departs from the Chancellery for the last time. Sean Gallup | Getty Images News | Getty Images With Vladimir Putin‘s unprovoked attack against Ukraine, political analysts are now reassessing the long and deeply complicated relationship the Russian leader had with ex-German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and how
Ricardo Mojana | Getty Images As the Great Resignation continues, employees are rethinking salaries, work-life balance and flexibility in their new careers. Some are willing to take a pay cut in exchange for a better schedule. One-third of workers who switched jobs during the pandemic took less pay in exchange for better work-life balance, according
News Pearl Jam Announce 2022 North American Tour Dates Former Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist Josh Klinghoffer will play with the band for the rescheduled concerts in support of Gigaton By Madison Bloom March 14, 2022 Facebook Twitter Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder, June 2019 (Jim Bennett/Getty Images) Facebook Twitter In March 2020, Pearl Jam were