Space–time ripples: a 3D simulation of the gravitational waves created as two black holes merge. (Courtesy: Chris Henze/NASA) Physicists should be wary of data from gravitational-wave observatories that appear to contradict Einstein’s general theory of relativity. That is the message from researchers in the UK, who have analysed how errors accumulate when combining the results
Switching from an Android phone to an iPhone can be a daunting experience. It’s a whole different ecosystem, one that is more exclusive and tightly wound. However, there are a few ways in which you can make the transition smoother when it comes to transferring data. While the two ecosystems are completely different, a Google
Did the trip to the future reveal any positive results? On Charmed (2018) Season 3 Episode 15, Maggie had a disturbing vision of the future and sent her sisters to the future to gather intel. Meanwhile, Mel and Harry struggled with the harsh light of day of their mutual decision to become human. How did
WASHINGTON — Spacecraft controllers are continuing to work on a faulty computer memory system on NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope that has stopped telescope operations for nearly a week. A payload computer on Hubble stopped working June 13, the agency said in a June 16 statement. Engineers speculated that the computer, used to manage operations of