Russia on Friday launched administrative proceedings against Facebook’s WhatsApp for what it said was a failure to localise data of Russian users on Russian territory, the Interfax news agency reported. There was no immediate comment from Facebook. A day earlier, a Russian court fined Alphabet’s Google 3 million roubles for violating personal data legislation and
A security guard stands outside the United Nations building in Herat, Afghanistan on October 23, 2010. Chris Hondros | Getty Images The main UN compound in Herat, Afghanistan was attacked by “anti-government elements” on Friday and at least one security guard was killed, according to the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, or UNAMA. Rocket-propelled grenades
Stefani Reynolds/Bloomberg via Getty Images The IRS began issuing another 1.5 million tax refunds this week to people who received unemployment benefits in 2020. That adds to the nearly 9 million refunds, worth about $10 billion, the agency sent since May. Funds delivered by direct deposit this week started hitting bank accounts on Wednesday, and
If you enjoy reading Electric Literature, join our mailing list! We’ll send you the best of EL each week, and you’ll be the first to know about upcoming submissions periods and virtual events. Gina Frangello had a suspicion there was a hunger to talk about women who break the rules. In advance of the release
News Watch Billie Eilish’s New “Happier Than Ever” Video A self-directed, two-part visual to accompany the release of Eilish’s new album Happier Than Ever By Matthew Strauss July 30, 2021 Facebook Twitter Billie Eilish in “Happier Than Ever,” directed by Billie Eilish Facebook Twitter Two years ago, Billie Eilish shared her great “Bad Guy” music