By Allison Kubo Hutchison Noah Friedlander, San Francisco from the Marin Headlands in March 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0  As you walk the pavement of your city, the buildings rising around you, the impact of a city on the landscape is clear. It changes the skyline and the view. But how does it change the ground
Kadrolsha Ona Carole has landed the crown jewel of roles in a television series. Kadrolsha is a major player in a brand new television series “The Realm of the Waterfall”. Production begins this July in the Canary Islands. Kadrolsha plays the role of Queen Malanne ruler of one of the islands. She is fierce, firm,
Dreamland: artistic impression of the surface of Gliese 486b. The exoplanet could have glowing rivers of lava. (Courtesy: RenderArea) A newly discovered exoplanet called Gliese 486b could offer the best opportunity yet for studying the atmosphere of a terrestrial planet beyond the solar system. An international team, made up of astronomers at the CARMENES project
Welcome to Shelf Life,’s books column, in which authors share their most memorable reads. Whether you’re on the hunt for a book to console you, move you profoundly, or make you laugh, consider a recommendation from the writers in our series, who, like you (since you’re here), love books. Perhaps one of their favorite
After Disney plopped its Ryan Reynolds action comedy Free Guy from 20th Century Studios on August 13, a week before Lionsgate’s sequel The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard which also stars Reynolds, it stood to reason the latter would move. The new date for the Reynolds-Samuel L. Jackson sequel, which also stars Salma Hayek, is June 16.
Facebook said on Monday it planned two new undersea cables to connect Singapore, Indonesia, and North America in a project with Google and regional telecommunication companies to boost Internet connection capacity between the regions. “Named Echo and Bifrost, those will be the first two cables to go through a new diverse route crossing the Java