
“Duty Accomplished,” the compelling third installment in Michael Deeb’s Drieborg Chronicles series, delves into the tumultuous years of the American Civil War. Union Major Michael Drieborg, having escaped the horrors of Confederate prison Andersonville, returns to duty in December 1864. Recuperating in Michigan, he’s called back to Washington for reassignment, eager to contribute to Congressman
In 1982 Soviet-controlled Poland—a time and place of suspicion and mistrust—when geopolitical forces and violent men descend upon her little town of Zygmuntowo, Emilia must decide if she is willing to risk prison or worse for self-respect and for her unexpected love. A telephone station switchboard operator is ordered to monitor the calls she connects
“Pinch Hitting takes its place in the dugout alongside Bernard Malamud’s The Natural as a timeless baseball fable, shot through with wonder.”—Daniel Paisner, author of Balloon Dog, A Single Happened Thing, and The Complete Game (with Ron Darling) Joe Skelton has never written anything longer than a shopping list, but now his brain tumor is making him write a novel. It’s
Beacon Audiobooks has just released “Far Away Places: Vice Admiral Charles Emery Rosendahl and the Navy’s Airship Program” written by author M. Ernest Marshall and narrated by Doug Greene. Following the First World War, it was expected that the next war would be between Japan and the U.S. for control of the vast Pacific Ocean.
For six minutes Wisconsin husband, farmer, and writer Philip Hasheider was dead. He met all the requirements: heart not beating, lungs no longer breathing, skin an ashen-color turning blue. He was lifeless, flat on the floor. This extraordinary story of his Near Death Experience (NDE) is about the events on an early October morning leading