The Resident Round Table: Politics Fatigue, Kit’s Fallibility & The Elevator Scene


Someone may be coming out ahead in that love triangle!

And The Resident Season 6 Episode 2 dug deeper into its more political arcs and how they relate to healthcare.

Join TV Fanatics Carissa Pavlica, Leora W., and Laura Nowak as they discuss the hour.

The Resident Round Table Art

Do you think The Resident is overdoing it with its political messaging and browbeating? How would you change things in that regard?

Carissa: Yes.

As an independent voter who spans the aisles on many issues, it’s aggravating beyond belief to see misinformation presented as entertainment. There’s a better way to sway people to your way of thinking, but this isn’t it.

I’d rather see the discussion lean on big pharma, which is more a part of the clinical trial discussion than politics. They have more money than God and will be the benefactors of clinical trials, so they should give back to communities by funding research labs in oblivious hospitals.

Taxpayers shouldn’t be further lining the pockets of big pharma by funding public hospitals’ clinical trials ourselves.

Leora W: I don’t mind so much. I figure it’s pretty standard for shows these days, but they could probably do it better. This season doesn’t sing as sweetly as the early days, but I put that on the cast as much as I do on the writing.

Laura: I prefer not to watch TV for political issues, but funding is a real issue for public hospitals. I’d like to focus on that and how it will affect Kit and Devon especially.

Padma is finally coming to grips with how scary motherhood can be and the realities she’ll face. React.

Carissa: Duh. She’s a fly-by-night airhead who decided she wanted a baby on a whim, and inexplicably, everyone rallied to her side and helped her achieve a dream she hadn’t even thought out. I do not understand the storyline from any angle.

Leora W: It’s good she’s scared. It’s scary. A part of me expects her to freak out once the baby comes and to drop it on Leela’s doorstep with a note.

Laura: I’m with Carissa on this one. She made an impulsive decision, and now she realizes the impact of it.

Kit got too close with a case because it reminded her of Bell. What are your thoughts?

Carissa: Doctors are human. I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to turn off your emotions overall, as we saw with Leela, in most cases, and to then have a case that wallops you because of what they’re personally experiencing. That’s the kind of stuff I’d like to examine rather than having political issues come to the forefront.

Leora W: I was disappointed in her as a doctor, but I got where she came from as a human being. I kept hoping she would listen to reason, but sadly, she did not, and the patient paid the cost.

Everyone really rallied to her, though, which is great. Nobody made her feel bad for her mistake, which is … kind of good, kind of not. We didn’t see how the husband reacted to what happened to his partner.

Laura: I really enjoyed this angle. Kit has been overwhelmed, so she transferred some of it into finding a cure for Ben. I loved that both Devon and Billie tried to support her without judging her. I also want more of these stories.

What are your predictions now that Cade has confided in Conrad about Ian and her suspicions?

Carissa: Honestly, it was a very intimate moment, and it went a long way to help me understand how they’ve wound up together. I’d like to see more scenes like that overall on the show, going back to its roots from The Resident Season1 and  The Resident Season 2.

Leora W: I think he will run with it and confront her dad. There is no putting the genie back in the bottle. It may be a point of contention between the two if she chooses to protect her father.

Laura: It was an emotional moment. I understood their connection, but I’m unsure how long Conrad will keep quiet about her dad.

Let’s unpack that Conrad and Billie elevator scene that has fans buzzing. What did you make of their conversation about Nic and where things may go for them in the future?

Carissa: I read it to mean that it would be really difficult for him to consider her as anything but a friend because of how close she was to Nic. I assume others read it to mean something else, and I’ll be interested to see what that is from the other round table participants.

Leora W: I think Carissa’s read made sense, but I also think a lot can change in very short times in these sorts of shows.

Right now, he isn’t looking at Billie like that, but he also doesn’t know she’s looking at him like that. If at some point that changes, his feelings may as well. I felt bad for her, though, and I was proud of her for doing the right thing, even when he gave her the power to torpedo his relationship.

Laura: IMO, that elevator scene oozed chemistry with just one look. However, I understand Conrad has Billie in a compartment associated with Nic, so I don’t think anything will be done for a while. I feel for Billie.

What was your favorite moment from the hour? If anything, what other things would you like to address?

Carissa: I think your questions allowed me to state my mind. And I’m sure I’ve angered Amy Holden Jones with my answers. But I hope she knows it comes from a place of loving the core characters who created the show and hoping that we can build relationships as deep and nuanced as they were early on.

Leora W: I liked seeing Jessica and Irving working together and teasing each other. We need more of them. I also liked Leela bonding with her mentee. I noticed the nightmares came up again, so I think maybe that will be an ongoing mystery this season.

Also, I feel like Jasmine’s right about Cade having commitment issues and not wanting to stay the night. It isn’t just about her dad.

Laura: I loved when Kit finally broke down to Devon, and he comforted her. I liked Kit and Billie interacting more, too, and wish we could have seen them go out to drinks.

Over to you, Resident Fanatics! Do you agree with our round table? Do you disagree? Sound off below!

The Resident airs Tuesdays on FOX.

Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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