The Winchesters Season 1 Episode 7 Review: Reflections


It’s the midseason finale of The Winchesters, directed by Supernatural alum Richard Speight Jr., and John and Mary are both in for a surprise.

On The Winchesters Season 1 Episode 7, as the gang closes in on the Akrida, Mary finds a clue that brings her closer to finding her dad, while John must decipher notes from his own father.

Meanwhile, Roxy may not be who John, Mary, and the others thought she was, and they may be up against something even bigger when it comes to the Akrida.

Fans can usually expect a midseason finale to go out with a bang, and The Winchesters did not disappoint.

From revelations to returns, this episode had just about everything.

It was only just a matter of time before we finally came across Samuel, and the way the series introduced him was emotional.

After Mary found a bag belonging to her father, she realized that time was running out to find him.

He can’t be gone.


She was filled with both relief and worry when she found his bag, and for a good reason.

Although she wasn’t expecting to find his bag when they were looking for the Akrida, it was a clue that her dad was still out there somewhere.

This meant, though, that he was likely being held by the Akrida.

She had a lot of feelings that she pushed down so she could focus on hunting, but when she found out about her dad, it was like all of that washed away.

All Mary cared about was finding her dad at all costs.

Luckily she was able to kill two birds with one stone since they could then track the Akrida to not only take them out, but so she could find her dad.

It’s not your fault.


That didn’t mean that she still felt guilty for what happened.

Mary blamed herself for getting her dad into whatever situation he was in.

While we did get Mary and Samuel scenes on Supernatural, this is obviously very different, and to get that perspective of what it was like when he was gone makes you take a different look at Mary.

She didn’t have the best life growing up, for obvious reasons, but her love for her parents is still there.

That guilt only opened up what she was feeling.

When she did reunite with Samuel, it was anticipated, but it was still as emotional as ever.

Even though we knew that Tom Welling was going to be Samuel and when his first episode would be, the episode built up to that moment.

You didn’t know when we would see Samuel or how, but we got it in the episode’s final minutes.

The scene with Samuel saving Mary and John was a very short one, but seeing Mary’s reaction was enough.

She was surprised and relieved to see him, knowing he’s okay, but now she has to worry about his injuries.

Seeing this aftermath is going to be interesting yet exciting, especially since we’ll be able to get more of Welling.

Mary wasn’t the only one struggling in the Dad Department.

John found himself having to come to terms with some of his own pent-up anger, and he got the closure he needed.

It’s no secret that John has been taking time opening up to Mary and the others.

The same thing can also be said about Henry and his life as a Men of Letters.

That changed after notes written by Henry were found.

When John brought Millie on to help decipher them, both of them had to come to terms with Henry.

His disappearance hadn’t been easy on either of them and they both dealt with it in different ways.

I didn’t even know this place existed.


Millie finally being able to see the Men of Litters clubhouse gave her the opportunity to really feel him.

Her being brought in for more help also gives her the opportunity to bond more with the team and really see what John does.

We got a very open and honest conversation with Ada, and it was definitely needed for the both of them.

Ada was able to tell Millie more about Henry, what he was like while working with the Men of Letters.

She was also able to assure Millie that her son was doing just fine.

Seeing John here, it’s like history repeating.


Millie will always worry about John, it’s just called being a mother.

I’m hoping that her seeing John hunt and knowing who he’s surrounded by will ease her nerves.

However, John is still a bit on edge, as usual.

Despite his rocky relationship with his father, John still held on to what he had, which was a very sentimental object.

John again opened up to Mary about a music box he kept with him that he would use to drown out the sounds of his parents fighting.

You didn’t just smash the music box because you were angry at your dad. You were angry at yourself.


When he admitted his feelings, Henry showed himself.

Henry was able to tell his son how proud he was of him, and John was able to get closure, as did Millie.

Having John and Mary see their dads again, albeit differently, in the same episode was perfect because they longed to be reunited and had similar feelings about it.

As for similar feelings, fans also finally got a long-awaited moment between John and Mary.

Since this is an origin story of John and Mary, the two were bound to get together at some point.

With nowhere else to go after hiding from the Akrida, John and Mary finally kissed.

It was a moment that had been building up since they met on The Winchesters Season 1 Episode 1, and there couldn’t have been a better moment for it to happen.

How those feelings are reciprocated in the back half of the season should be intriguing, but at least we all know how that story ends.

On top of father reveals, the midseason finale ended with another shocking reveal, but this one was about the Akrida.

While the team thought that Roxy was the leader, they were wrong.

This is a dangerous world you’ve stepped into.


We never did find out who the real queen was, but that will likely play an even bigger part in the second half of the season.

That brings up the question of whether or not the queen is someone that Supernatural fans are familiar with.

I wouldn’t put it past the writers to do that, but perhaps in a different way.

So Fanatics, what did you think of the midseason finale of The Winchesters?

How do you think Samuel will be now that he’s reunited with Mary and can help with the Akrida? Could there be something more to him, or is he really back?

Will John and Mary’s relationship finally blossom into something more? We know that it will, it’s just a question of when. Will the fight to defeat the Akrida get in the way of that?

Do you have any theories on who the Akrida’s Queen is? Someone from Supernatural, or will it be someone completely new?

Share your thoughts in the commens and be sure to watch The Winchesters online any time via TV Fanatic! The Winchesters returns on Tuesday, January 24 at 9 p.m. EST on The CW!

Megan Behnke is a staff writer for TV Fanatic, who you can follow on Twitter.

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