
No Depth Can Bury the Family Guilt Nathan Harris Share article “The Mine” by Nathan Harris A boy has died in the crypt. (I’m told this is what they call the bottom of the mine, now: the crypt.) Benji, my surveyor, has come to tell me the news. As he stands before me, I notice
Astrology is having a moment, thanks to the phenomenon of Astro Poets, Chani Nicholas, and Jeanna Kadlec. Some of us use it to understand ourselves and our habits, or to make sense of other people and who we might be compatible with. We can look to the stars for the optimal timing for life changes
What makes stories about interracial relationships so intriguing? Well, maybe it might be the fact that, not that long ago, marriage between people of two different races was illegal in America. Even today, they’re still not that common: 10% of all marriages in the US are interracial, and 7% for the UK, where I live.
In thrillers of the past, if queer characters were mentioned at all, they were usually delegated to victims or villains. But in the last few years, mainstream publishers have finally let LGBTQIA+ authors have a voice in the thriller genre, with queer main characters in uniquely queer, bone-chilling situations. In my own thriller, So Happy
Love Is Not a Permanent Structure The following story was chosen by Min Jin Lee as the winner of the 2022 Stella Kupferberg Memorial Short Story Prize. The prize is awarded annually by Selected Shorts and a guest author judge. The story will be performed live by an actor as a part of the 21-22
Dumped at Brunch and Too Jaded to Care Imogen Binnie Share article 1.  She’s choking me. She’s really in there, fingers on cartilage, mashing my trachea and I can’t breathe, Maria thinks. She truly can’t breathe, but she can’t bring herself to care. There was a time in her life when this was new, when she was at least
Two people cross paths and their lives are changed forever. It is the oldest and perhaps most universal story. If an Egyptian Cannot Speak English begins when Noor, an Egyptian American returning to Egypt in search of meaning and culture, meets an unnamed Egyptian man whose hopes and dreams have been all but decimated by
How many things can you use a bullet journal for?   Paid work. Creative projects. Household tasks. Grocery shopping. Exercise goals. Meditation routines. Expenses. Glasses of water. The list is endless, with the journal (or journals, for the truly committed) serving as a washi-taped repository of large and small tasks. An archive of a life well spent—or,
Sasquatch at the End of the World Bigfoot Loses Heart When berries were scarce I ate the chipmunk who ate the berries. When my fur made fingers of ice down my back, I told myself stories of what it must be to wake inside the sun. When rain would not stop I waded into the
My absolute favorite stories are ones that suggest magic is not just adjacent to our lives, but that it threads its way through our lives. That magic is, in fact, just on the other side of our ordinary existence—if we know when and how to seek it. Magical stories have shaped my writing over the