Legacies Creator Promises Satisfying Conclusion Following Cancellation


With the news of Legacies’ cancellation, there have been many questions about whether fans will get the closure they deserve.

Just days after The CW announced the stunning news that The Vampire Diaries and The Originals spinoff had been canceled after four seasons, we have an exciting development.

Series creator Julie Plec took to social media to pay tribute to the series and revealed that fans are in for a satisfying conclusion.

“To my beloved Legacies — after the Parkland shootings, I decided I wanted to tell a story about the young heroes who would save us from ourselves,” Plec said in a tweet.

“Good kids living on the fringe who ultimately were the heroes of the whole story.”

“To @brettwmatthews the captain, fearless leader, brilliantly funny voice of (not to mention the heart and soul of) the show. The best work husband around and someone I am proud to call my friend.”

“To the cast and crews of all,” Plec said in a statement that also doubled as her farewell to The Endgame and Roswell, New Mexico, which were both canceled.

“Some who have been part of the family since Day 1 of TVD in 2009.”

“To the marriages that happened along the way, the children who were born, the friendships we all made and to hopefully many, many more stories to come.”

“And to the fans. Without whom none of this matters. It has been my honor to be a part of telling these stories for you.”

”A final tip of the hat to our kindred spirits in cancellation at the CW. What a run we’ve all had. It’s sad when the business changes beneath your feet,” Plec continued.

“May you all find your way to your next adventure with the knowledge that you did yourselves proud.”

“One last thing re: Roswell and Legacies. (The CW CEO) Mark Pedowitz & his team at The CW had the class & grace to warn the shows that they might not survive, even if The CW wanted them.”

“Because of that, the season finales of both shows were carefully crafted to also work as series finales.”

“I can speak for #Legacies in saying that Brett and I and the writing team poured all kinds of love into it. And there are a couple surprises for long-time #TVDU fans that may just blow your mind.”

It is unfortunate that we aren’t getting a pre-planned series finale, but this is the next best thing.

We have just three episodes of the series left, and it’s all set to come to a close in June.

What are your thoughts on the show getting a conclusion?

Hit the comments below.

Remember, you can watch Legacies online right here via TV Fanatic.

Paul Dailly is the Associate Editor for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.

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