WhatsApp, the most popular messaging platform on the planet, finally has a drafts feature. Why did it take until the tail-end of 2024 to institute a seemingly simple tool that has been available for rival platforms for years? Who knows, but it’s here now. The appropriately-named Message Drafts offers “a new and easy way to
We independently evaluate all recommended products and sercives. Any products or services put forward appear in no particular order. if you click on links we provide, we may receive compensation. It’s Monday morning, the subway is packed, your latte is lukewarm, and today’s pants are trying to force their way into areas they have no
Jihae as Reverend Mother Kasha in ‘Dune: Prophecy’. Photo: Courtesy of HBO. Launching on HBO and Max on Sunday, November 17th with its first episode, this six-episode new series is set in the recognizable portrayal of ‘Dune’ as established by director Denis Villeneuve with his two epic movies. Yet it’s also different enough –– partly